
Showing posts from October, 2019

Stranded in the Mojave

It looks like my main 2 Macs (the ones I write with) are stuck on Mojave for the foreseeable future. A confluence of two events: Google dropped Picasa in favor of its SaaS Photos product. Photos is fine for photos. Picasa does FAR more, and I use it for things like book covers. It's 32 bit. Apple dropped support for 32 bit apps in Catalina (10.15) So: Stuck. Nice work, tech people.  I blame Google more than Apple on this one. They have profit/marketing reasons to want Photos to be what everyone uses. In the process, they destroyed the easiest to use Photo software out there. I have Pixelmator. NOT the same.

Android Auto Part Deaux

Somewhere in the update stream for AA, my Note 9 and Pioneer AVX realized they could chat without the USB attached. A little surprising when AA popped up on the screen and the phone was not attached yet. My SO's Apple does that all the time already, and it is annoying when their phone bogarts my Pioneer head unit! Now there is a new annoying thing. It keeps saying that the connection to the head unit is weak, and it says it over and over and over. It never says that about the Apple device. Only the Note 9 (with a headphone jack!) I messed around with settings to make it stop doing wireless connections and finally had to turn off the wireless IN the head unit. Good news, now the Apple devices do not snarf up the head unit. Bad news, ever now and then, the head unit randomly re-enabled the wifi, and I start getting all the 'poor signal' message again. I see why this was a stealth release. Not ready for prime time at all. It has gotten to be second nature to swipe aw