Facebook Down / Tumblr up?

Facebook detected 'suspicious' activity on my account. That suspicious activity is that I never loaded up much of anything other than books status there, and only ever use a secure browser to access it so every time I go there all my cookies from the last time are gone.

They made me upload a picture of me to prove I am me, even though they have not OTHER picture of me to even know that. Clearly they want my biometrics.

I am not going to fight them to keep it alive. They can reactivate it or not: I do not care. It is not as if I have years and years of things going on there.

Tumblr, on the other hand, is showing signs of much more activity over there. If I had to guess: People like that it has a new owner.

I may have to look at how to mirror Tumblr and Blogger and ignore Facebook altogether.


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