Tumblr has a new owner

I have had a Tumblr account for a while now (https://www.tumblr.com/blog/cjstevens)  , ever since I started publishing books. and my http://www.hypernaturalsbooks.com/ web page is built on WordPress, so it is interesting that the owner of Wordpress is now also the owner of Tumblr. I look forward to seeing what they can do with it.

A great deal has been made in the press about the fact that Verizon lost their entire ass on that deal, but they have no one to blame but themselves. I have watched the postings drop off on Tumblr ever since they went all politically correct on it. If you do not want a unique platform, don't buy one and try to homogenize it into yet another vanilla platform. We already have Instagram for that.

Now the question is: will WordPress let Tumblr breathe? Keep the 8chan hate-speech and child porn off, but the otherwise open expression re-allowed?

I write Vampire romance, among other things, and while I do not get overly explicit, I do try to be open and frank about some things. In book 6, where I am editing right now, they are having a discussion about 'Bikini lines' in the place I am right now. Why? Because out here in the real world, that is actually something we talk about, at least among the people we trust and are close to and can have frank conversations with without being judged.

Tumblr needs to have that too. It was about communities that were not mainstream. I'll admit to not always being comfortable with it. But just because I am not comfortable doesn't mean I do not need my thinking challenged from time to time.


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