Android Auto
I have three old cars. My Note 9 (with a headphone jack) USB-C cables into one of my car's Android Auto head. Lately, it has been bugging me to try the new Android Auto. I did. I tried it for two days, then set it back. Essentially, Android Auto wants to move away from the card interface to an icon interface, ala Apple CarPlay. Why? I love the cards. I love driving for hours on end and learning the name of the place I am at because the weather card updates with the name of the place and the weather report for HERE. The new interface (Carplay Light) has a weather icon, and it reads out the weather. I have to tap it. It's not already there on the display. If I am playing Spotify, the card has the controls on the card. now they are across the bottom? Why? This would be so easy. Put the notifications button on the toolbar. Put the apps on the toolbar (same as Android has had forever plus 10 days). Now I can choose if I want to stare at useless icons all day or have a live...